Notícias e Eventos
Conferência: Financial Governance por Joseph Vogl

Auditório do Museu Colecção Berardo, Lisboa, Quarta-feira, 16 de novembro às 18h
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Joseph Vogl
Joseph Vogl is Professor of German Literature, Cultural and Media Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin and permanent visiting professor at Princeton University. He is author of over hundred articles and book chapters on German literature, literary and media theory, on the history of knowledge and political thought. His books include Ort der Gewalt. Kafkas literarische Ethik (1990), Kalkül und Leidenschaft. Poetik des ökonomischen Menschen (2002), Über das Zaudern (2007) / On Tarrying (2011), Soll und Haben. Fernsehgespräche (2009, co-author: Alexander Kluge), Das Gespenst des Kapitals (2010) / The Specter of Capital (2014), Der Souveränitätseffekt (2015).Resumo da Conferência
Modernity has given rise not merely to the sovereign state apparatus, to international trade companies, to influential financiers, to decentralized markets… It has also witnessed the formation of a particular type of power that cannot be properly described in terms either of political structures or of economic strategies. This type of power is constituted, instead, by the interpenetration of these poles. From the integration of private creditors into the politics of early modern states, to the creation of central banks and public credit, all the way up to today’s capitalism of financial markets, we can trace the emergence of a type of ‘economic governance’ that ultimately has immunized itself against the democratization of political power. Conferência financiada pela FCT no âmbito da 4ª edição do Programa de Doutoramento em Estudos de Comunicação